During a conversation with Stephanie Hewitt, a certified Sleep Sense Consultant and founder of Stephanie Hewitt Sleep Consulting, it occurred to me that many parents are losing much needed sleep once their child learns to roll back to tummy. This typically occurs around 3-5 months of age. They are no longer swaddled and are now mobile! They roll over to their belly in their sleep and then BAM, everyone is awake because baby cannot roll from their tummy to their back.  

I created this simple handout for parents who are wanting to encourage their child to roll tummy to back independently.  To set your little one up for success with rolling tummy to back they must be able to do three things: 

  1. Prop themselves up on their elbows during tummy time 
  2. Reach for toys during tummy time 
  3. Track or follow toys from the right to and from the left during tummy time

Follow along with this free, downloadable handout that provides purposeful play tips to get your little one moving and grooving with confidence.   

If you want to see more – check out our Instagram page @milestonesatplay for how-to videos and head over to the Highlights Section for 3-5 months.  And if you look further, you’ll find a lot more useful gross motor tips too!  


A special thanks to Stephanie for the idea! Check out her website if you want to learn more: www.shsleepconsulting.com

Dr. Amie Dougherty

Dr. Amie Dougherty

Owner/Pediatric Physical Therapist

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